Innoviation via other worlds: a tool for generating powerful ideas for your business

I'm not quite referring to Mars or Pluto when I say "other worlds". Although, there is no doubt that even a few seconds of stargazing can inspire & fuel your innovation efforts.

By "other worlds" I'm talking a little closer to home than Mars or Pluto. What I am referring to is a great framework for innovation in which we explore other worlds (i.e., people, places or things) that provide the samehigher-order benefits as those provided by our product or service.

The Analogous Worlds Framework consists of three steps:

  1. Identifying the higher-order benefit(s) provided by your product/service (e.g., save money, save time, guidance, peace of mind, confidence, social connectedness, pleasure, etc.)
  2. Making a list of those people, places or things that provide the same higher-order benefit (s)
  3. Asking how these "other worlds" that you identified in step 2 go about providing the higher-order benefit. Is there anything about what they do or how they do it which you could incorporate into your product, or use in aspects of your marketing strategy*?
*By marketing strategy, I am referring here specifically to product, price, promotion, distribution, segmentation, positioning, and targeting.

Analogous Worlds Framework - PPT template
innovation framework template looking across disciplinesclick here to download slide (use it, share it!)

The Analogous Worlds Framework: a brief example - BMW
Let's take "the ultimate driving machine" for a test drive through the framework and see what we can come up with...

Step 1: Identify the high-order benefits provided by a BMW:
  • Saves time. Transportation inventions such as the automobile have cut down the time it takes to get from point A to point B in dramatic fashion (assuming you don't line in LA).innovation framework template example BMW
  • Provides feeling of importance; status. This should come as no surprise from the Bimmer.
  • Provides access; empowerment. BMWs, and cars in general are incredibly empowering tools, enabling people to explore places that otherwise would have been unreachable by foot, horse, bike or train.

Step 2: Make a list of those people, places or things that provide the same higher-order benefit(s):

Analogous Worlds Framework for BMW
Step 3: Ask how these "other worlds" that you identified in step 2 go about providing the higher-order benefit(s). Is there anything about what they do or how they do it which you could incorporate into your product, or use in aspects of your marketing strategy?

Here are a few of many thoughts that come to mind (note that I have bolded those items in the BMW framework above which led to the ideas below):

  • The BMW butler. Leverage the butler concept and design an on board, voice-activated, computerized "butler" that can do various tasks for you while you drive - e.g., manage the radio settings, climate control, seat positioning, etc.
  • The Car Doorman. Leverage the concept of a doorman, and develop a feature that allows drivers to push a button and have the car door open for them, saving them the time & effort of having to open the doors for themselves - an activity which is especially difficult when their hands are full (e.g., when carrying bags of groceries, carrying children).
  • In-car Google. Leverage Google's approach to providing access (via pertinent information now!), and develop a voice-activated capability that allows drivers to access information about local traffic, road conditions, local commerce, the "health" of the car, etc.
  • Your driving anthem. Similar to the Nike+ / iPod "Power Song" feature that allows runners to push a button and listen to their favorite high-adrenaline song, develop a button under the steering wheel which plays your favorite "cruising song" when pushed. This concept leverages the method via which Tony Robbins provides "empowerment".

Hopefully the BMW example will give you a taste of the potential power of The Analogous Worlds Framework. It's a framework that effectively "shakes things up" and gets you to think in terms of the higher-order benefit(s) provided by your product, getting you out of the feature-focused, product-centric paralysis that consumes all of us from time to time.

Please feel free to download the framework, pass it along to your friends & colleagues - and more important than anything, use it. Like many tools, the more you use it, the more it will work for you, and help you generate high-impact, game-changing opportunities.

As always, feel free to contact me with any of your thoughts, comments, or questions.

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Marketing & the 5 W's: a framework for marketing innovation

In my prior post I introduced the wonders of the 5 W's, and how you could benefit from utilizing this foundation of journalism in your efforts to innovate & develop potent marketing strategies. In this post I provide a peak into one of several dozen 5W's frameworks you can use to turbo-charge your marketing efforts.

5 W's Consumer Journey Framework
This framework provides you with a powerful tool for generating a rich inventory of ideas & insights with respect to the customer journey for your product or service.

(click to download as PDF)

Using the tool couldn't be more straightforward:

1. Create a matrix like the one above, comprised of two dimensions - the 5W's dimension and the consumer journey dimension.

2. Take each customer journey dimension (e.g., demand, search, purchase, etc.) through each of the 5W's, one at a time. Note that some of the Ws will be less relevant to some of the journey dimensions. Despite this, always push yourself to generate insights - 9 times out 10 they exist but just require a little extra brain juice. Within each journey/W box, write as many ideas & thoughts that come to mind.

3. Redo the exercise a few days later and see what additional tho
ughts you are able to generate. Allowing a little incubation time for your thoughts rarely fails to deliver some powerful new ideas.

4. Now, with your fully blown-out matrix in-front of you, ask yourself some of the following questions:

  • What new channels might I want to explore for increasing product awareness, improving the product search, selling, & servicing ?
  • What new consumer needs are likely generated at various points along the consumer journey and how might I benefit from them?
  • What complementary products or services might I want to offer or bundle with my product at various stages along the customer journey or to specific customer segments?
  • What new partnerships might we want to explore to provide greater total value to our customers at various points along the customer journey?
  • What marcom approaches might we want to test or use with certain customer segments, within certain contexts, or at different stages along the consumer journey?
  • What new products or features might I want to offer to meet the needs of certain customer segments within certain contexts and during specific stages of the customer journey?
  • What ways can I improve & influence the search & decision-making process for customers / specific customer segments?
  • What ways can I can improve the {purchase & payment, delivery & installation, usage & maintenance, disposal, repurchase & renewal} experience for customers / specific customer segments?

Use the tool & share your experience
So I'd like to ask each of you to try the tool out on a product or service that you currently sell or manage. After you have run through the tool and the battery of follow-up questions for improving your business, let me know what insights or ideas you were able to generate - I would love to hear about them, and have you share them with the rest of our marketing community.

And of course, please let me know if you have any questions along the way - I am more than happy to answer them.

Have fun, and I'm looking forward to hearing about the innovative ideas & insights you come up with!


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